10 Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

 There are many reasons for wanting to lose weight. Among the many reasons are feeling more energetic, better health, and more self-confidence. It seems as if it should be an easy goal to accomplish once the desire for these things hits. However, it is not so easy to do, especially for those that have never tried to lose weight before. 

These simple tips, though, will make the weight loss process more bearable.

Don't Allow Yourself to Get Too Hungry

Hunger is the enemy of all that are trying to diet. When hungry, anything edible suddenly seems like a good idea. Whatever is consumed may quell the hunger, but it often comes back to haunt you later. Avoid that regret by planning meals and snack time in advance. Always have a healthy snack handy. Keep it in the car, a purse, a pocket, or anywhere else nearby just in case you do get hungry and are caught away from home.

Do Not Cheat the Calorie Intake

Math does not lie. If roughly 3500 equals a pound, all it takes is an excess of 3500 a week to gain a pound a week. An excess in calories is more than the body uses. If the body cannot use all of the calories consumed in a day, it stores those calories as fat for later use. So if more calories are continuously being consumed than used, the fat builds up. Weight loss only begins when more calories are being used than consumed.

Eat Carefully After Exercise

A workout leaves a person feeling hungry, but eating too many calories after a workout can undo all of the work that would otherwise go toward the weight loss goal. People also tend to overestimate the number of calories burned during a workout, thinking they can afford to eat more calories after a meal. One way to avoid that trap is to plan a healthy post-workout snack that will curb hunger without adding more calories.

Remember Red, Orange, and Green

If every time you eat a meal you put something either red, orange, or green on your plate, you will be sure to get many of the nutrients your body needs. In addition, colorful food is more attractive and increases the appetite. You will be more likely to eat more healthy food and less unhealthy calories. In fact, following a strict calorie counting diet may be too difficult. If so, try focusing on this tip instead.

Drink A Lot

Shying away from liquids for fear of retaining water weight is not a good idea. The truth is, a person is more likely to retain water when not getting enough of it. Not to mention, dehydration is not healthy and causes a whole host of other medical problems. It is much better to be a heavy drinker, especially at mealtime. Drink water, though, not alcohol or other beverages. Not even diet sodas are helpful for weight loss. They are loaded with salt and unhealthy artificial sweeteners. Water is a zero-calorie indulgence and it helps the stomach feel full so that fewer calories are ingested. The average person needs to consume about 64 ounces of water a day in order to avoid dehydration.

Ditch the Salt

Salt has the potential to increase both hunger and thirst. Plus, too much salt in the diet leaves a person feeling bloated, can cause weight gain, lead to water retention, and makes it hard to lose weight. Always check the labels on items purchased in the grocery store. Lower sodium options are always best. Better yet, whenever possible, prepare a meal at home where sodium does not have to be added.

Do Not Keep Food on the Table

Traditionally, food is placed in the center of the table and then passed around to put on the plate. However, that leads to the temptation to eat more servings than necessary even if hunger is already gone. Instead, plate the food somewhere away from the place it will be eaten. You will be less likely to go back for seconds if you have to get up to get it.

Do Not Rush

People that eat quickly tend to eat more than those that eat slowly. This is because it takes some time for the brain to register the feeling of being full after food is in the stomach. The average time for the brain to realize the stomach is full is about 20 minutes. So, taking more time to chew food thoroughly and to fully enjoy the flavors of it gives the brain time to register that the stomach is full without overstuffing.

Eat Before Going Out

Going out with friends or going to parties tends to lead to excess food consumption. All the goodies are there for the taking. It is quite easy to mindlessly consume the snacks. To avoid that issue, eat a healthy meal before heading out. You will be more mindful of what and how much you eat.

Never Skip Breakfast

Research published by the British Journal of Nutrition suggests that those who eat breakfast every day stay more satisfied throughout the rest of the day than those that do not. The goal for breakfast should be about 250 calories and there should be protein included in the meal. This will keep you feeling fuller longer, making it less likely that you will do unhealthy snacking or that you will consume too many calories during lunch.


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